Athena Bey Marillion

Geboren: 29.12.2005
Farbe: tortie tabby blotched
Rasse: Maine Coon
Geschlecht: weiblich
Gencode: A-B-C-D-iiOosstbtbwwwbwb
Zwinger: Athena

Int.Ch. Beyrouth Cat Cabaret JW

Rasse: Maine Coon
red tabby blotched

Int.Ch. James Bond Klapouch
Rasse: Maine Coon
black tabby blotched
Euro.Ch Mefisto Jompi
black tabby mackerel
Euro.Ch Angelo Jompi
black tabby mackerel
Int.Ch. Guldfakse´s Catalina
blue tabby blotched
Catlin Klapouch
white (dominant)
Int.Ch. Appalaches Ognios
white (dominant)
Estrella Jompi
black tabby ticked / white
Ch. Maxi Alwaro
Rasse: Maine Coon
tortie tabby blotched
Euro.Ch Sebasco´s Daker Devito
red tabby blotched
World-Ch. Guldfakse´s Chief Two Moons
red tabby mackerel
Moutaineer´s Kitti Caballe
tortie tabby blotched
Int.Ch. Squabby´s Calamity
tortie tabby mackerel
Gr.Int.Ch. Squabby´s Ashley Taddy
red tabby mackerel
Int.Ch. Squabby´s Arkansas Sissy
tortie tabby blotched / white
Int.Ch. Arabella of Beyrouth

Rasse: Maine Coon
blue-cream tabby blotched

Int.Ch. Denny z Larku
Rasse: Maine Coon
black tabby mackerel / white
Euro.Ch Baghira Woody Axis Star
blue tabby mackerel
Gr.Euro.Ch Willowplace Fleetwood Mac
black tabby mackerel
Euro.Ch Moonlight vom Burgfels
black silver tabby blotched
Ch. Alexis Lady z Larku
black tabby blotched / white
Euro.Ch Csák´s Coon Cats Bagira
black tabby blotched / white
Int.Ch. Zita Cesarina od Vajgaru
black tabby blotched
Int.Ch. Olivia of Midnight Colony
Rasse: Maine Coon
cream tabby blotched
Int.Ch. Langstteich C.Cashmir
cream tabby blotched / white
Langstteich´s Calvin
black tabby blotched / white
Pillowtalk's Cosima
Ch. Dominica od Midnight Colony
red tabby blotched / white
Euro.Ch Carter O´Conor Alwaro
red tabby blotched
Int.Ch. Donna Diana Di Sidonia
tortie tabby / white
Created by CAT MANAGER